January 30, 2020

Syria emergency: what you can do for Idlib

The humanitarian crisis is the worst Syria has seen in the last nine years

Right now the 3.5 million residents of Idlib, northwest Syria, are trapped under Syrian regime and Russian bombs and have nowhere left to flee.

These are the people who opened their homes and hearts to hundreds of thousands of Syrians who were forced to flee from other parts of Syria after surviving terrible violence and starvation sieges across the country. They’re the people who resisted both the Syrian regime and extremists, and who dared to hold elections and create civil society that inspired many around the world.

Idlib has been under attack since 2012, including by chemical weapons and other internationally prohibited weapons, but what is happening today is unlike anything the province has witnessed before.

At least 1,648 civilians including 392 children have been killed since the regime escalated its campaign to retake Idlib in April. Syrian and Russian warplanes are bombing civilians in their homes and busy markets. They’re targeting the rescue workers who rush to carry the injured to safety and the doctors who treat them in hospitals.

Entire towns and cities have been destroyed and emptied of their residents. Since last April, more than 1.5 million people have been displaced, and are now taking shelter in muddy, overcrowded and underserved camps near the border with Turkey. The humanitarian crisis is worsening by the day but the funding for heroic local groups is pitiful.

These attacks are being carried out by the Syrian regime and Russia in violation of international law and countless ceasefire agreements and UN Security Council resolutions.

The killing of children in their sleep and as they study, and of humanitarian workers as they save lives, has to stop and can be stopped. But the international community is turning its back on Syrian civilians as it has done for the past nine years, which is precisely why Assad and Putin continue to commit those crimes. They know there are no consequences.

We cannot look the other way. Here are five things that you can do today to shine a spotlight on the crisis and compel world leaders to protect civilians against Assad’s war crimes in Idlib.

1. Sign the petition to demand UN action to stop the bombs

Your name alongside thousands of others will put pressure on international decision makers to urgently take action.

Sign the petition

Woman from Idlib

Photo credit: White Helmets

2. Give to the White Helmets

Amidst the bombing, the White Helmets rush to pull men, women and children to safety, when anyone else’s instinct is to flee the destruction. You can donate to Idlib’s volunteer emergency rescue workers here.

Donate here

Photo of White Helmets rescue

Photo credit White Helmets

3. Watch ‘For Sama’

This award-winning documentary follows one family’s struggle to survive the bloody siege on Aleppo. Watch it with friends and family to support Syrian filmmakers risking their lives to expose the reality of war crimes on ordinary people. Bring ‘For Sama’ to your school or community by requesting to host a screening and check actionforsama.com/take-action on how you get involved in the filmmakers campaign.

For Sama poster

4. Send an emergency briefing on Idlib to your MP or representative

You can keep Syria on the political agenda. This briefing equips your representative to demand action on war crimes in Syria and humanitarian relief for the millions that need it.

Find your UK MP’s email address here.
Find your US representative’s email address here.

Download the briefing

Image of demonstration at the UN

5. Bear witness and spread the word

You can stay up to date with what’s happening in Idlib and support groups on the ground by following them on social media:

The Syria Campaign 
Syrian Civil Defence (The White Helmets) 
Act for Ghouta 
Molham Team  
Violet Organization 
For news and analysis follow Al-Jumhuriya English 

Some suggested Tweets:

To the UN: click here to tweet this
.@antonioguterres 3 health facilities attacked in 24 hours. The doctors and humanitarians of Idlib are inviting you to witness the evidence for yourself. Go to Idlib and stand with them #SaveIdlib #GuterresVisitIdlib

UK: click here to tweet this
Save Idlib! What steps are @BorisJohnson @DominicRaab @foreignoffice taking to stop Syrian regime & Russian bombardment of civilians in Idlib, Northern Syria? Humanitarian crisis escalating #IdlibUnderFire #SaveIdlib @TheSyriaCmpgn

USA: click here to tweet this
Save Idlib! What steps are @StateDept @realDonaldTrump @SecPompeo taking to stop Syrian regime & Russian bombardment of civilians in Idlib, Northern Syria? Humanitarian crisis escalating #IdlibUnderFire #SaveIdlib @TheSyriaCmpgn

Germany: click here to tweet this
Save Idlib! What steps are @HeikoMaas @AuswaertigesAmt taking to stop Syrian regime & Russian bombardment of civilians in Idlib, Northern Syria? Humanitarian crisis escalating #IdlibUnderFire #SaveIdlib @TheSyriaCmpgn

In German: click here to tweet this
Rettet Idlib! @HeikoMaas @AuswaertigesAmt. Welche Schritte unternehmen Sie, um die Bombardierung der Zivilbevölkerung in Idlib, Nordsyrien, zu stoppen? Die humanitäre Krise eskaliert #IdlibUnderFire #SaveIdlib @TheSyriaCmpgn

France: click here to tweet this
Save Idlib! What steps are @JY_LeDrian @francediplo taking to stop Syrian regime & Russian bombardment of civilians in Idlib, Northern Syria? Humanitarian crisis escalating #IdlibUnderFire #SaveIdlib @TheSyriaCmpgn

In French: click here to tweet this
Sauvez Idlib! @JY_LeDrian @francediplo, quelles mesures prenez-vous pour arrêter les bombardements de les régimes syrien et russes de civils à Idlib, en Syrie? La crise humanitaire s’intensifie #IdlibUnderFire #SaveIdlib @TheSyriaCmpgn

Turkey: click here to tweet this
Save Idlib! What steps are @RTErdogan @MevlutCavusoglu taking to stop Syrian regime & Russian bombardment of civilians in Idlib, Northern Syria? Humanitarian crisis escalating #IdlibUnderFire #SaveIdlib @TheSyriaCmpgn @MFATurkey @trpresidency

In Turkish: click here to tweet this
İdlib’i Kurtar! @RTErdogan @MevlutCavusoglu, Kuzey Suriye’deki ve İdlib’deki Suriye rejiminin ve Rusların sivillere bombardımanını durdurmak için ne yapıyorsunuz? Insani kriz artıyor #IdlibUnderFire #SaveIdlib @TheSyriaCmpgn @MFATurkey @trpresidency

Russia: click here to tweet this
Save Idlib! @KremlinRussia_E @mfa_russia stop the bombardment of civilians in Idlib, Northern Syria! Humanitarian crisis escalating #IdlibUnderFire #SaveIdlib @TheSyriaCmpgn

In Russian: click here to tweet this
Сохрани Идлиб! @KremlinRussia_E @mfa_russia. Останови бомбардировки мирных жителей в Идлибе, в Северной Сирии! Обостряется Гуманитарный кризис. #IdlibUnderFire #SaveIdlib @TheSyriaCmpgn