September 13, 2024

His joy has returned, and it’s contagious

My name is Nader Ali Al-Daghim, and I was displaced from eastern Maarat, a city in northwest Syria, and now live in a camp with my family. I have five children, one of whom is Abdul Sattar, my 10-year-old son. Before we were displaced, Abdul Sattar suffered a high fever that left him unable to walk and with enduring physical and mental disabilities.

Life in the camp has been difficult, and with no support for over two years, we struggle daily to afford food. Medication for Abdul Sattar has been out of reach. We still have his prescriptions, but they cost $20 each, which is more than we can afford. Before we were connected to Child Houses, Abdul Sattar’s situation was heartbreaking. He couldn’t play with his siblings and was always alone. Unable to walk independently, his world was limited to our small tent.

Child Houses is a non-profit in northwest Syria, dedicated to protecting vulnerable children in conflict zones and ensuring they receive the care and support they need to thrive. Through them, we received a wheelchair for Abdul Sattar and everything has changed!

Ever since the wheelchair arrived, our lives have improved 180 degrees for the better. Abdul Sattar started smiling and laughing again, something I hadn’t seen in a long time. His older brother now takes him on outings around the camp, and he even started going to school. His joy has returned, and it’s contagious – it lifted all of our spirits.

That’s why I am asking if you will help Child Houses support even more children like my son Abdul Sattar? Even a small donation will go a long way.

Abdul Sattar’s life transformed thanks to this one piece of equipment, and I am forever grateful to Child Houses for this gift. But there are so many other children in camps just like him, children who need wheelchairs, medication, and care.

Child Houses’ Individual Protection Assistance (IPA) program has been a lifeline for more than 1,500 children, providing critical items such as hearing aids, wheelchairs, medical glasses, and other essential devices. While these tools are vital for a child’s well-being and protection, they can be expensive and often deprioritized by families struggling to meet basic survival needs.

In the aftermath of the devastating 2023 earthquake that hit Syria, the importance of this program grew even more urgent. Many children lost their homes, along with the medical devices they depended on, while others were left with new disabilities, further increasing the demand for specialized assistance. With this crucial support, children can now return to school, reconnect with their friends, and begin rebuilding their lives within their communities.

I urge you to help these children through Child Houses. Your donation can bring joy and mobility to another child who is currently trapped in their tent, just like Abdul Sattar was. Like my son, all these children deserve the chance to laugh, to go to school, and to live a life with joy and dreams. Please, donate today to help Child Houses continue their life-changing work.

With gratitude,
Nader Ali Al-Daghim